RTK Puck

Accuracy Matters

Introducing our stern mounted RTK GPS receiver – delivering distance to start, time to start, position, and heading with unprecedented accuracy.


RTK Puck Features

1.8cm GPS Accuracy

RTK GPS – the only technology trusted for race management at the America's Cup and SailGP.

Wireless Race Management

Start time, line-end positions, and OCS alerts are automatically transmitted to the fleet.

Universal Connectivity

The wired version supports the NMEA 2000 (N2K) protocol, compatible with B&G and Garmin displays.

The wireless version supports the Open Bluetooth Protocol (OBP), compatible with smart watches, phones, and Bluetooth displays.


Your Race-Day Routine

  • Automatic, continuous line-end pinging
  • Automatic timer
  • Audible on-boat alerts
  • Accurate, fair, and reliable OCS calls
  • Remotely configurable to meet any class rules


50x More Accurate

Compared to standard L1/L5 GPS, which is only accurate to +/- 1m in optimal conditions.

  • Accurate start & finish line calls
  • RTK Mark positions for 3 boatlength circle
  • Accurately determine overlaps and right-of-way
  • Accurate and precise data for umpires, judges, and protest

Better Racing

Through Superior Accuracy

  • Zero general recalls = more racing
  • RTK GPS makes for truly fair and objective OCS calls
  • No more hiding behind other OCS boats
  • Even, close starts lead to more competitive racing
  • RTK race tracking = cleaner racing and fewer protests

RTK Puck in 90 seconds

See how Velocitek developed RTK GPS race management in collaboration with the world's most demanding Race Committees.

RTK Puck Options

Both RTK Puck versions feature 1.8cm GPS accuracy, audible alerts, and wireless race management.


  • Open Bluetooth Protocol compatible with smart watch, phone, or bluetooth display
  • 6 days worth of battery capacity
  • 100% sealed with wireless charging
  • 50x improvement in GPS accuracy


  • NMEA 2000 connected. Bus powered - connect it and forget it
  • Compatible with B&G & Garmin displays
  • GPS, compass data added to bus at 10Hz
  • Automated data-calibration and logging for N2K instruments: boatspeed, wind, rig tension, depth, etc.

Get in touch.

Are you interested in racing with Velocitek RTK GPS?